Dear Boys is a story about determination to excel in a sport inwhich you love and also have fun at the same time. The tension as underdogs in the whole prefecture with only 5 players. How this team struggle to win, setbacks, teamwork, a purpose in life. This story relates to our lives as we strive to do our best, not just in sports, school but also relationships between friends and ones we love. 简介:故事的发生,也就是在喜爱篮球的天童寺高中的王牌选手哀川和彦突然转学到实力并不怎么强的瑞穗高中开始的。和彦希望加入男子篮球队,可是球队因成员不足而面临被解散的命运。但由于他的实力与热情,终于蓝球队也重新活跃起来。他的鼓励和影响使得瑞穗高中的四位篮球选手重新审视了自己该走的道路,并一起开始前进。瑞穗男篮队终于燃起了斗志,进军县大赛。可惜经验与实力的差距,让惨败的他们有如一盘散沙。他们能再度站起来吗?由于他们的顾问老师,却是一心逼迫他们解散的条元老师,于是条元安排了一场比赛,条件就是如打输了,篮球社就得解散…… 但由于性格开朗的哀川和女篮一群美女的鼓励,男篮终于重拾信心,并在练习赛打败全国豪强成田中央高中……
2023-04-26 22:29:15,最后更新于 1年前